ok here's my opinion.. even for an advanced civilization "interstellar" space travel would be impossible unless "they" have discovered how to time travel, if "wormholes" really do exist or if black holes can be utilized in some way simply because of the vast distances especially for all the small ufo's, i can possibly imagine the trip being made without the aforementioned options if there's a huge "mothership" because they'd be able to have generations come and go during the the trip and they'd have room for supplies.
without a doubt i definitely believe in life elsewhere, i'm just on the fence about all the sightings, video's.. ect.. of the smaller ufo's and by "smaller i mean ufo's that you'd imagine to have a crew of maybe a handful of beings rather than a ship with possibility an amount of a small city or whatever, anyway.. i'm definitely interested, i always watch any and all videos, read interviews, ect.. waiting for that fateful day when "they" finally introduce themselves.
DISCLOSURE. in all i've read about and video watched it seems like all the believers seem to be pushing for disclosure from our government, i'm guessing from instances like the roswell spaceship crash and the sort and i'd like to know as well but if that's what they're waiting for just so they could have the proof, to me it's kinda dumb, 1. because the truth, i believe, will come from "one of us" or themselves touching down then saying Hi we're here where's the party at.?! and 2. why would anyone think and it seems like to me that's what everyone feels, but why would anyone believe if aliens made contact that they'd only deal with our government.? anyway.. the reason i'm making this post is because of a video i just watched that looks absolutely astonishing to me and if it's real i have a few observations.. one is "they" must look upon their ufo's like we do our cars because in this video alone there's many different ships in a short amount of time and by them being small it coincides with my "motheship" theory. watch the video if you haven't already...
i kinda wanna side with stephen hawking.. i'm not 100% convinced that we should have or continue to broadcast our concordance but who knows, we'll see soon enough i'm sure.
Thrashing Like A Maniac

Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Extol "Paralysis"
man, my sister and her husband are awesome.!! Thanks.!!! i am the happy owner of the US, "tour edition" version AND now the norwegian release.
attention: anyone who can help.!! i'm looking for these cds...
Rowe Production released a compilation called "Northern Lights: Norwegian Metal Compilation" 1996 and the other cd Disembodied "Existence In Suicide", yes i know of and own "Psalms Of Sheol" but i'm looking for the original 1995 release. email me if you can help supplierconsumerATgmail.com
attention: anyone who can help.!! i'm looking for these cds...
Rowe Production released a compilation called "Northern Lights: Norwegian Metal Compilation" 1996 and the other cd Disembodied "Existence In Suicide", yes i know of and own "Psalms Of Sheol" but i'm looking for the original 1995 release. email me if you can help supplierconsumerATgmail.com
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Dark Angel/Ugly Kid Joe
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
wow Dark Angel and Ugly kid Joe in the same post?! HA in my defense all i can say is... F'ing MTV!! it's so awesome Dark Angel are an active band again if they wouldda stuck around though they could have gave SLAYER a run for their money. so good.
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
wow Dark Angel and Ugly kid Joe in the same post?! HA in my defense all i can say is... F'ing MTV!! it's so awesome Dark Angel are an active band again if they wouldda stuck around though they could have gave SLAYER a run for their money. so good.
Monday, January 16, 2012
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
i don't know if this is still felt amongst people not in our world but i'd like to point out something that's bothered me over the years concerning Agnostic Front, i have quite a few friends who are black and every time we talk about music sooner or later it leads to AG and how they feel they where/are a skinhead or simply a racist band and to me that's like saying Ian McKay was a racist because of Minor Threats song "Guilty Of Being White" both never made sense, you only have to read AG's lyrics and you'll immediately realize they where definitely NOT a racist band whatsoever, in fact they where quite the opposite so if anyone out there has ever thought this or still thinks this, consider the myth dispelled.
my thinking about this is that AG's albums had military style lettering, they wore camo's and combat boots.. while this was the attire of the skinhead they only adopted this as their uniform later, the real reason for punk/hardcore/metal dudes jockin' camo's and combat boots is that it was born out of necessity because military surplus camo's and combat boots where cheap and they lasted, plain and simple, that's it.
anyway.. "Turning Point" because hardcore was coming into another evolution of itself and it was most certainly very interesting seeing it happen and the late 80's to early 90's there where a lot of awesome bands finding their way on their own and what was coming through was amazing.
just a quick note tho.. while the bands where going through a transition and evolution if it wasn't for a few new labels also emerging at the time who knows what would have happend because most of the underground labels we loved at the time where still actively searching out thrash and metal related bands, hardcore was just a footnote at the time so a lot of the bands, as do we, owe a debt of gratitude to the newer labels taking chances on what was "becoming" in the hardcore genre in that era.
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
i don't know if this is still felt amongst people not in our world but i'd like to point out something that's bothered me over the years concerning Agnostic Front, i have quite a few friends who are black and every time we talk about music sooner or later it leads to AG and how they feel they where/are a skinhead or simply a racist band and to me that's like saying Ian McKay was a racist because of Minor Threats song "Guilty Of Being White" both never made sense, you only have to read AG's lyrics and you'll immediately realize they where definitely NOT a racist band whatsoever, in fact they where quite the opposite so if anyone out there has ever thought this or still thinks this, consider the myth dispelled.
my thinking about this is that AG's albums had military style lettering, they wore camo's and combat boots.. while this was the attire of the skinhead they only adopted this as their uniform later, the real reason for punk/hardcore/metal dudes jockin' camo's and combat boots is that it was born out of necessity because military surplus camo's and combat boots where cheap and they lasted, plain and simple, that's it.
anyway.. "Turning Point" because hardcore was coming into another evolution of itself and it was most certainly very interesting seeing it happen and the late 80's to early 90's there where a lot of awesome bands finding their way on their own and what was coming through was amazing.
just a quick note tho.. while the bands where going through a transition and evolution if it wasn't for a few new labels also emerging at the time who knows what would have happend because most of the underground labels we loved at the time where still actively searching out thrash and metal related bands, hardcore was just a footnote at the time so a lot of the bands, as do we, owe a debt of gratitude to the newer labels taking chances on what was "becoming" in the hardcore genre in that era.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Eyehategod/M.O.D. (Method Of Destruction)
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
Friday, January 13, 2012
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
i don't really like doing this, offering up my opinion for whatever it is i'm posting but for Slayer i will make an amendment. wow where to start, well there was Metal then when Slayer came into fruition THERE WAS METAL! say what you want about the others in the "big 4" but when Slayer was born it was definitely on and yeah metallica, icon, HA in all actuality, if you're a true fan, you'll know that metallica only put out 4 good albums then when "...And Justice for All" came out it was amazing BUT you absolutely knew it was the beginning of the end and their last good album, everything after that was a great "hard rock" album.
for a lot of us music is just about everything and is literally the soundtrack to our lives and there's quite a few Slayer songs in mine i can remember the very first song i heard and you true fans will know this feeling.. upon hearing that song it was an epiphany moment, like, HOLY F WTF IS THIS, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN MISSING. like a piece of your lifes puzzle had been found and fit oh so well. on a lot of the music i listen to from my youth i can literally be transported mentally back to that very moment in time, the day, what was going on, the smells.. if that's not magic i don't know what is and it's been my thought since forever that music is truly the only real magic.
Slayer from day one have been consistent in brutalizing our senses with a heaviness that exists in it's purity to this very day. Slayer never really achieved the fame that the few bands from this era that are still active and we all know why but that's neither here nor there these dudes as old and rich as they are still give us old fans what we still want and need to this very day and Slayer.. it is very appreciated Thank You!!
ps. i've loved Megadeth since they where born and even they are better than metallica HA their still very much Metal. i wouldn't pee on metallica if they where on fire, rick rubin couldn't even save them. one last thing.. if you haven't yet picked up the new Anthrax "Worship Music" do yourselves a favor and get it asap and there's a hidden track, a cover of the song "New Noise" from the band "The Refused" and in my opinion it's a nod to the new school of hardcore, sadly The Refused where ahead of their time and aren't around anymore but if you've never heard them do yourselves another favor and check them out now!
ok enough jibber-jabber and metallica bashing, thanks for listening.
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
i don't really like doing this, offering up my opinion for whatever it is i'm posting but for Slayer i will make an amendment. wow where to start, well there was Metal then when Slayer came into fruition THERE WAS METAL! say what you want about the others in the "big 4" but when Slayer was born it was definitely on and yeah metallica, icon, HA in all actuality, if you're a true fan, you'll know that metallica only put out 4 good albums then when "...And Justice for All" came out it was amazing BUT you absolutely knew it was the beginning of the end and their last good album, everything after that was a great "hard rock" album.
for a lot of us music is just about everything and is literally the soundtrack to our lives and there's quite a few Slayer songs in mine i can remember the very first song i heard and you true fans will know this feeling.. upon hearing that song it was an epiphany moment, like, HOLY F WTF IS THIS, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN MISSING. like a piece of your lifes puzzle had been found and fit oh so well. on a lot of the music i listen to from my youth i can literally be transported mentally back to that very moment in time, the day, what was going on, the smells.. if that's not magic i don't know what is and it's been my thought since forever that music is truly the only real magic.
Slayer from day one have been consistent in brutalizing our senses with a heaviness that exists in it's purity to this very day. Slayer never really achieved the fame that the few bands from this era that are still active and we all know why but that's neither here nor there these dudes as old and rich as they are still give us old fans what we still want and need to this very day and Slayer.. it is very appreciated Thank You!!
ps. i've loved Megadeth since they where born and even they are better than metallica HA their still very much Metal. i wouldn't pee on metallica if they where on fire, rick rubin couldn't even save them. one last thing.. if you haven't yet picked up the new Anthrax "Worship Music" do yourselves a favor and get it asap and there's a hidden track, a cover of the song "New Noise" from the band "The Refused" and in my opinion it's a nod to the new school of hardcore, sadly The Refused where ahead of their time and aren't around anymore but if you've never heard them do yourselves another favor and check them out now!
ok enough jibber-jabber and metallica bashing, thanks for listening.
i just wanna tell you about a guy on the internet that if you've never heard of you definitely need to know him because what he does is something that people just don't do and aren't like.. Sunny at Hate5six films hardcore shows in their entirety, what? that's nothing new? your right but he also uploads the full sets in near dvd quality!!! for us all to enjoy so GO THERE now and see all the splendor! it'll be high-fives and couch dives all day long and if you can, donate as much, as often as you can keep his gear sweet and up to date, keep him motivated and online! he also just recently put together a dvd that's for sell, buy it you wan't regret it it's awesome, it's also for a good cause 15 bucks for "nearly 4 hours of live footage". buy a t-shirt to!! i sincerely can't say enough good stuff about this dude but he is one of those people you hear about only in stories, you know they're out there but you never get to meet one and if i had to put a definition on him it'd be.. complete selflessness. he's the real deal.
Hate5six official home page: RIGHT HERE
vimeo Hate5Six page: RIGHT HERE
dvd trailer: RIGHT HERE
part 2..
just a quick post.. if anyone has any tapes and don't have any way to convert it to digital and you'd like to, dub the tape and send it to me and i will transfer it then post it here for download i will also upload it in .WAV format that way you can convert it to any format you prefer but i will only send you the links to download that, just make sure you write down the play list so i can title them correctly. i don't want anything for doing this so send whatever you want, as many as you want and i'll do it.!
email me at supplierconsumerATgmail.com with your info and i'll give you mine.
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Death Angel/Rage/The Exploited
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Back At-IT
SOUND CARD: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Cassette Archive: Mediafire Directory
Cassette Archive: Official Website
alright, back at-it for the moment..
there's no set pattern in the tapes i decide to rip it's usually just what i feel like listening to at the moment and in hindsight after transferring these tapes it kinda embodies me in a nut-shell..
metal, punk and the new school hardcore.
i was never that dude who cried METAL as he beat up a punk or vice versa and when the new guard of harcore came about in the mid to late 90's i embraced them fully.
the subliminal message in this post is.. don't be closed minded especially when it involves music. Be Excellent. HA
ok, now a quick pause for the cause.. there's a slight change, almost unnoticeable but for those into this as much as i am you'll notice.. it's pertaining to the scans, i have one of those crappy "all in one" chumpies and the scanner face is slightly bigger than a sheet of paper, roughly bigger then 8x11 and a lot of tape cover unfold to way longer than 11 inches and it's frustrating scanning in sections then trying to piece them together so unless you have a neat desktop scanner laying around and feel like donating it i will only scan the immediate cover as shown in the post.
so if you're so inclined and a generous soul, help motivate me for more future posts with a neat desktop scanner. and Thanks to everyone who's been emailing me with your stories of your youth and the music that helps us all get through this F'ed up thing called life.!! keep'em coming. i appreciate them greatly but post'em in comments so we can make this blog special.
last second edit: i actually just took the time to price that scanner just now and HOLY GRIZZLY NIPPLES is it expensive so i'm guessing no ones gonna have one of these layin' around collecting dust so for now the scans included will be the way they are, probably indefinitely.
Oprah.!!! where are you when i need you.??!?
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