allow me to reiterate for a sec.. this is to anyone who happens upon this blog this includes any bands or lables who may see their release posted here.. but before you crap bricks and build a house, take a breath, calm yourself.. then think a moment before you ask for something to be taken down, which i'll be more than happy to comply with.. i'm posting cassettes transfers. meaning.. the audio isn't the best in the world and for anyone who downloads a release it may spark a memory and make them remember how much they loved the release they downloaded and by having a not-so-awesome sounding version they will run to the nearest record shop and pick up a new copy on cd, tape or lp so in essence i'm kinda marketing for you. lastly.. to all bands i post.. Thank you for all the sweet, awesome memories and the impact you've made in my life. anyway.. if you want your release taken down, contact..
supplierconsumer[AT Symbol]gmail[Dot]com
for me though.. transferring tapes is awesome. the bands, the music.. they're like a time machine to me. every tape takes me back to a specific day and/or moment in my past.. i can smell that day.. remember exactly what i was doing.. so awesome. one regular routine i had was riding my bike to the mall, yes "The Mall", i measured time by how many songs on my walkman it took to get somewhere so my ride was about 4 songs long, 20 minutes or so, then i'd throw my bike in the dumpster, yep "dumpster" why you ask.? well i had a sweet gt performer, redline flight cranks, dx pedals, tuff neck goose neck, fluted seat post, cw bars, silver dia-compe mx122 brake levers.!! haha man as old as i am i'm surprised i remembered all that but you always remember your loved ones right.!! ok back to the dumpster part.. i'd throw my bike into the dumpster because i knew when it got picked up and they didn't allow bikes in the mall and i didn't want it ripped off so the safest place to stash it was the dumpster. THEN.. i'd make the treck to our local bmx track, it was a crappy attempt to appease the youth but at least it was something. then i'd open "the new tape" and depending on how awesome it was i'd ride all day to it. the main reason most of my tapes are in sweet condition is i dubbed them for all my friends and made myself a copy so the old walkman wouldn't eat it so glad i did that now ha. ok enough rambling about my manifesto.. share your story if you have one. i'm not a hater so skater stories are welcomed to haha i made an attempt at it but the crashes hurt more so i stuck to bmx and radical rick was a hero.!!
The Mighty POSSESSED coming soon...
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